Friday, April 25, 2008

Beaters and cringers

Dickens says people are either ' beaters or cringers '. This may sound simplistic , but it can serve as a useful rule of thumb. Notice how two ' beaters ' can never get along , and that in a marriage , one person is inevitably the beater and the other is the 'cringer' .

I've often often wondered which category I belong to , and I've noticed that my behavior has been woefully ' cringey '- though I 'm actually a beater . This probably doesn't make sense , but life seldom does.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Random thoughts

Independence is'nt easy .Five months of living outside the nest and I'm beseiged by ego wrangles with room mates , having to live on a shoe string budget and missing home comforts . It does have it's upside though - I do feel like a responsible adult in charge of my destiny .Well , almost .
In a lighter vein , saw 'Jodha Akbar ' the other day. The movie claims to chronicle the love story of the Mughal Emperor Akbar and his Hindu wife Jodha.What it forgets to mention is that he married many such Hindu Princesses and the marriages were all probably politically motivated .
Historical inaccuracies aside , the movie was'nt that bad , enjoyable even , in parts. What intrigues me though , is whether people really wore clothes in such psychedelic colours in those days.
If you'd care to know , had a bout of Typhoid some time ago . Was told to go easy on fried food and the like .Three weeks after my tryst with good old Salmonella typhii and I'm finally allowed to eat carcinogenic junk. Hallelujah .

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Post adolescent angst !

Twenty third of December brought the sobering realisation that I was now twenty one years old . Alas , the celebrations were not in the manner of a Bacchanalian orgy , but a quiet dinner with family.

While at twenty one , one is expected to be a mature , responsible citizen , I found myself embroiled in a petty squabble with a room-mate . " We have reached a parting of the ways! " , we exclaimed, as we flounced off our separate ways.

Such is life. One hopes to learn from one's experiences . But none of this will matter in the larger scheme of things. One must soldier on , difficult as it may seem.